Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Freeze Has QB in Mind

One quarterback has emerged as the front-runner to take the starting spot halfway through August camp, but Hugh Freeze isn't saying who. 

“I kind of have in my mind who is the leader right now based on the totality of what we’ve seen after 12 practices,” said Freeze in the latest Ole Miss practice report. “But if your spectrum is just one practice, then I have some mixed feelings, so we’ll see if my current feeling continues to be verified over the remainder of practices leading up to the first game. Today wasn’t quite enough validation for me to say I’m all the way there yet, but I’ll have to watch the film and see. I always feel a little different after watching the film.”

Freeze talked about the qualities he likes about his mystery quarterback. 

“Over the course of the 12 practices he’s handled blitzes better, which is one of the top things you look at in a quarterback, how does he handle that. ‘Is that a time the ball comes out carelessly or are you getting the protections right and getting yourself protected to make a throw standing in their taking a hit’, taking care of the ball and being efficient in moving the chains. Over the course of 12 practices I think I know who’s done those things better. I’ve watched closely on the field and in film, but then today you get another guy that maybe elevated himself a little bit leaving practice. It will keep playing itself out and I’ll get the right gut feel.”

Whether it's Ryan Buchanan, Chad Kelly or DeVante Kincade we probably won't know until the season-opener, but at least there's comfort in knowing one quarterback is raising his level of play above the others. From all accounts, these are three quality quarterbacks. The best of the bunch should be a capable field general.