Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lavon Hooks Update

by Jake Adams

The Oxford Eagle's John Davis reports that Mississippi's No. 1 JUCO prospect will announce at noon today (Hooks had been saying 1, but that's since been corrected to 1 pm eastern, which is noon for most of us here in God's country). This one seems like a moving target. Where did Auburn come from? It had been between Ole Miss, MSU and Washington. A Nebraska paper reports Hooks saying the Cornhuskers are still in the mix, and now this report from Davis that Auburn is in the final three. Wow. That's a lot of shifting in a short amount of time. Hooks really could go just about anywhere and I would not be surprised.
UPDATE: 12 pm came and went with no Hooks announcement. It's now being reported that Hooks did in fact mean 1 pm central time after all. I highly recommend going about your day as though this isn't really happening.

UPDATE 2: 1 pm and 2 pm both passed right on by with nary a word from Lavon Hooks. It appears this could be a while.